Monday, May 18, 2015

Tim Martin

Tim Martin has been a pastor for 21 years. He went to college at Virginia Military Institute (VMI), where he wanted to become a pilot. But he was redirected to Christ and humbled when he wanted to boast about being a pilot. He got his seminary training at the Master’s Seminary in Los Angeles, California where he learned a lot about the Bible and becoming a pastor. After seminary, he came to Roanoke. He taught at Faith Christian School for a few years, then he became an assistant pastor and then senior pastor at Grace Church.   
Mr. Martin is compassionate in that he empathizes with people that are struggling through life. He is wise in words and advice and tries to point them to Jesus who can fix their problems. “I try to help people when they’re having marriage problems and problems with their children and other kinds of issues in their lives,” he said. He cares about people and is dedicated to preach every Sunday to show everyone the glory of God and what he’s done for us. He said, “My main job is preaching God’s word and helping people to know God.” He is also humble in taking the award and giving it back to Jesus to whom all praise is due. “If I could say anything that is most important, it is that the real hidden hero is Jesus,” he said. “He uses us to show him to others,” Mr. Martin said.
Mr. Martin is a good man and a great teacher who points people who need real life, to Jesus. He is a hero because he tries his best to do what God wants him to do. He doesn’t live for the praise of man but the reward from God that is eternal.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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